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Monday 3rd February 2020

From the International Paperboard Industry Magazine, February 2020 - Materials Handling Report


Do I need a robot?

“If you are looking to increase productivity, reduce manual labour costs or optimise your workflow, then the answer is yes,” says Simon Mander, Managing Director of Avanti Conveyors.

“All of this can be achieved by integrating robots into your existing production workflow.”

Mander suggests that there is a critical time when you need a robot.

The key drivers are:

  • For providing alternative feeding solutions
  • When fast set-ups for small and large runs are required
  • If less operator involvement is desired
  • Because less maintenance and power requirements are crucial
  • When plant space is at a premium.

“The main question we get asked is ‘Why do I need a robot?’,” continues Mander. “We categorise the arguments as follows. They are fast and strong and are able to operate at maximum machine speeds. They are also ideal for tedious and repetitive tasks and handle consistently and with unwavering focus. They are quick too, with 30 sec set-up as well as being easy to use, with once per year maintenance. We also point out that robots are a true ‘green’ solution as they run on 5 amp nominal electrical usage and they certainly offer a ‘wow’ factor that is sure to impress customers during plant tours by showing that you are at the forefront of innovation.”

Go to page 49 of the pdf (or page 96 of the printed version) to read the full article.

 - courtesy of the International Paper Board Industry magazine – February 2020.


Click on the link below to download the complete article.
